Summer break can be both educational and fun! WCLC offers a summer camp that is sure to fulfill the needs and expectations of the family communities. We plan both academically enhancing lessons and activities for the English, Math, and Chinese subjects along with creative elective courses and field trips!
暑假是提昇學生課業成績、學習中文的最佳時機,同時也應該是充滿了笑聲的歡樂假期。堅持這理念,核桃中文學校 (中心) 每年暑假期間,提供共計十週的夏令營,課程內容包括:中文、英文、數學、才藝及孩子們最興奮的Field Trips。 Summer Overview · Chinese Class- Traditional or Simplified · English- Phonics, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Grammar, and Writing · Math- aligned according to the student’s approaching grade level following summer vacation (Number Sense, Arithmetic, Algebra, etc.) · Electives- Crafts, Drawing, Kung-fu, Hip-Hop Dance, and more · Field Trips and Park Picnics Summer Schedule / 課程
Chinese Lessons
The objective of the Chinese lessons in the summer program is for all students to learn to listen, speak, read, and write Chinese (traditional/simplified). We supply our students with appropriate Chinese language textbooks and material aligned to the students’ grade levels. During class, students will participate in fun and educational lessons, allowing them to work both independently and in collaborative peer groups. Students who attended the afterschool program progress to the next Chinese level class in the following Summer Camp. This encourages students to continuously practice using the language on a daily basis which will help them reach a higher level of language proficiency. New and returning students are all welcome to enroll! Lessons are given through interactive small group activities, cultural songs, crafts, and drawing activities to help make the learning experience more enjoyable for the students. Aside from textbook-based content, students also learn of the culture, history, and writing calligraphy. 星期一至星期五每天上午的中文課不但有語文的教學也讓孩子們認識中國歷史和文化。每天以有趣的教學方法,有深度的學習內容,讓孩子們除了可以開開心心的學好中文,更能體驗精深而有趣的中華文化。教學的方式除了聽、說、讀、寫,教學的方法也涵蓋了唱遊、畫圖、勞作、分組討論等等。學生可以選擇拼音或注音、繁體或简体。 English and Math Lessons The summer camp prepares students for the upcoming school year in the Fall. Students are introduced to the language and mathematical content public schools are expected to cover in the school year. Instructors will teach the content to the class and reinforce their understanding by providing them with practice material. Students are more prepared and familiarized with the content, improving their academic performance during the school year. 剛入美國學校的移民子女因語言溝通上的障礙, 增加學習上的困難, 而充滿了挫折. 本校特別在夏令營增加ESL英文班, 幫助新移民學生, 學習基礎的英語, 提高與人溝通的能力, 減低學習上的困難. Electives Summer break should be both educational and enjoyable! We provide a daily elective variety for all boys and girls to participate in. Every day, the elective classes offered changes, giving students the opportunity to tune in to different fun activities! Crafts, drawing, Kung - Fu, Hip-Hop dance classes, and more are offered during the summer. 下午:英文/數學、才藝、BOOK CLUB
Field Trips and Picnics
WCLC arranges few field trips and picnics in the local park over the summer. 郊遊、野餐 為了讓學生們除了努力學習之外能有一個快樂的暑假,特別在星期五安排了數次的郊遊和公園野餐。 有關報名、費用等詳細內容請聯絡核桃中文中心;或參考夏令營招生簡章。