Since our establishment in 2004 as a registered heritage school and a member of Southern California Council of Chinese Schools, the Walnut Chinese Language Center has been providing families of the local communities with programs encouraging academic excellence and bilingualism.
Our Afterschool Program, Weekday Chinese Class, and Summer Program are offered to students from grade levels
K-7. Instruction in the Chinese language courses are provided by experienced, professional instructors.
核桃中文中心位於洛杉磯東區核桃市成立于2004 年,為登記立案的外語學校。南加州中文學校聯合會會員學校。以課後班、週間中文班及暑期班為主,招收K-7年級的學生。課後班以中文教學與學校課業並重。暑期班為共計十週之夏令營,中文教學配合文化、才藝及英、數等學科為學習內容加上Field Trips 和公園野餐等戶外活動。